20 November 2020

Welcome and registration of the participants

Diego Santaliana

Session 4 Empowerment and creation of awareness in the stakeholders of the thermal sector

Diego Santaliana
SONIA ABLUTON, Development Agency“The HealingPlaces project and the pilot action in the Acqui Terme area”

Session 1

Diego Santaliana
ANTONIETTA RIZZO, ENEA“Water Footprint and Environmental Sustainability”

Session 2 Development of sustainable skills in the field of vocational education

Diego Santaliana
ELENA GAUDIO, Ministry of Education DG OSV Office IV"The new course of study in water management and environmental remediation”

Opening of the webinar "Water footprint: a multidisciplinary framework

Diego Santaliana
Introduction by the chairman

Session 3 Innovative artificial recharge technologies for the sustainable management of water resources

Diego Santaliana
CARMELA VACCARO, University of Ferrara"WARBO Life +. Reducing the water footprint to protect the environment, biodiversity and human health: good resilience practices and the fight against climate change”